We offer you business and technology consulting and quickly lead you onto the path of success, even outside of your daily business!
Business Consulting
We accelerate your business success with passion and know-how
Our Business Consulting Services
- Business Accelerator
- Digitalisation Accelerator
- Process Optimisation
- Service Innovations
Would you like to increase your efficiency, cut down on costs, change processes or implement digitalisation projects? Does your technical department face the challenge of r
Would you like to increase your efficiency, cut down on costs, change processes or implement digitalisation projects? Does your technical department face the challenge of renewing one of the main IT systems? Is your company undergoing a change programme and do you have to implement several projects at the same time?
With the support of our consultants and experienced project managers/product owners, we will quickly bring you and your project to success, even alongside your day-to-day business.
DCCS Consulting provides you with experienced consultants who have already supported many departments in complex IT implementation projects. They support your teams with business analysis, process definitions, scoping and ROI calculations, and are the link between your business experts and the implementers of the IT project. Our consultants know what is important to ensure that your business requirements are precisely implemented in the new IT system. If technical information that is relevant for the implementation project is missing, our technical consultants will work it out.
With a great deal of expertise, many years of experience in the management of complex implementation projects and a focus on the business requirements of your specialist department, our experienced project managers/product owners will efficiently and successfully bring your change project to its goal. The comprehensive technical skills of our project managers ensure that your IT department, external system integrators and system suppliers are efficiently managed.
Digitalisation Accelerator
Together with you, we analyse the digitalisation potential of your business sectors. Your processes and employees and the goal of helping you achieve maximum business success with successful digitalisation measures are the focus.
Our consultants examine your status quo, bring in process, method and IT know-how as well as expertise on the applicability of technological trends and derive optimisation and digitalisation potential tailored to you.
Together with your team, we develop a realisation roadmap including ROI considerations, support you in the preparation of tenders as well as in the selection of technologies and partners, and accompany your implementation projects.
Process Optimisation
How much optimisation potential is buried in your business processes? Together with you, we survey and analyse your current processes, uncover inefficiencies and define optimised target processes as well as their sensible degree of digitalisation and automation. Our consultants bring process, method and IT experience to the table.
Start your process optimisation project with us and receive optimised processes and prototypical proposals for technological implementation, including an ROI analysis.
Service Innovations
Create competitive advantages and added value through innovative services for your customers. With our consulting services for service innovations, we accompany you from idea generation to service design and prototyping.
Your markets and customers as well as the added value generated by your new service are at the centre of our attention. We also advise you on new technological possibilities, such as IoT, as an enabler. By testing the prototype on end users, we can identify potentials as well as weaknesses that need to be eliminated at an early stage. You thus receive a meaningful result for the marketability of your service innovation.
Technology Consulting
IT as an enabler of your business success
Our Technology Consulting Services
- Cloud Potential Analysis & Transformation Scenarios
- Enterprise Architecture Modernisation
- Enterprise Architecture Check
- Software Development Accelerator
- DevOps Check
Cloud Potential Analysis & Transformation Scenarios
Utilise the potential of modern cloud services and delivery models for your company and accelerate your business through the agility of your IT.
We help you to evaluate opportunities and risks and, based on your digitalisation strategy, to derive the appropriate cloud strategies for your company, to simplify operating models and to find the most suitable solution for your needs from the constantly growing number of cloud products and services. We use leading cloud technologies, including Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
DCCS Consulting creates customised cloud scenarios for you, including ROI considerations as well as transformation road maps and migration strategies. In addition, we support you in the migration of on-premises IT systems to the cloud.
As a result, you will receive a cloud scenario that is perfectly suited to your requirements so that you can make the best possible use of the potential of modern cloud solutions for your company's success.
Enterprise Architecture Modernisation
Harmonise, modernise and simplify your system landscape and accelerate the digital transformation of your business.
Business-critical software systems are usually in use for years and have grown over time. Often, monolithic software architectures are still in use, and data exchange is often file-based. They do not correspond to contemporary software architectures and make the digital transformation of your business more difficult. In addition, they are often expensive to maintain and operate.
Modern, cost-effective and business-agile system landscapes are characterised by service orientation, API and micro-app architectures, scalable cloud infrastructure as well as fast provisioning and update cycles. The aim is to minimise the technologies and manufacturers used in your system landscape, significantly reduce the number of interfaces and at the same time create a basis for data-based business decisions.
We create concepts for you to modernise grown enterprise system landscapes and architectures. Together we analyse whether replacement, transformation or modernisation is the optimal way for you and your business.
DCCS Consulting offers you a standardised "Enterprise Architecture Check", the result of which outlines a road map to your individual modern enterprise architecture.
Enterprise Architecture Check
If desired, the results can also be prepared for discussion with your management or your executive board.
Software Development Accelerator
Accelerate your software development cycles from programming to go-live, ensuring short times-to-market and rapid delivery of new features to your customers.
Software products might have grown for years and no longer correspond to modern software architectures. As a result, modern software development standards (e.g. automated tests, automated deployment) cannot be applied or cannot be applied optimally, which manifests itself in time-consuming and error-prone build and deployment processes.
We create modernisation concepts for you and are happy to support you in their implementation. We support you with the conversion of your software product and, together with you, set up modern development platforms, build technologies including automatic tests and CI/CD tools.
As a result, you receive accelerated deployment, from the development to the productive environment, with a simultaneous increase in software quality, through complete automation of the deployment path.
If you would like to know how close your individual software development process comes to the current industry standard, then book our standardised "DevOps Check".
DevOps Check
We look forward to helping you
make your business even more successful!
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