
Internationals Developers Day

According to Douglas Adams ("The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"), 42 is the answer the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. We at dccs see it differently.

We find the answer to our questions within the number 256 and the 256th day of the year: the "International Day of Developers". Because it is you, our developers, who, with your knowledge and problem-solving skills, provide the answers to the diverse and tricky tasks of our customers.

Your competence brings the jointly developed ideas to life. This not only enables us to deliver innovative, tailor-made software products to our customers, but also to constantly develop ourselves as a company.

As a developer, you mainly remain „invisible“, working in the background, next to your teammates such as the product owner who act at the forefront. One more reason to highlight your performance on Developer Day and to say THANK YOU for much more than 28 days of full commitment each year.

And why the 256? Since the 1970s, a bit has been the smallest unit of information processed by computers. A bit can have two states: 0 or 1. 8 bits are represented as 1 byte, which is the unit used in the digital world today. 28 or 256 is therefore the maximum number of combinations that a byte can represent.

If you want to know what our developers and their teams create with two numbers and their multiple forms, then take a look at

We say not only 256 times, but a thousand thanks for the tireless commitment and the good cooperation. Without you, our ideas would only be inanimate sketches on paper.

#thankyou #danke #developer #software #digital #dccs #entwickler #corporateculture #unternehmenskultur #teamswork

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